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This plugin adds a personal library to Bintracker, which you can use to store instruments, pattern data, code, and just about anything else. Storage is not restricted to data - you can also store procedures and many other kinds of Scheme objects.

Graphical Interface

Using the graphical interface requires an opened MDAL module.

Load Snippet

Load a snippet from the database and paste it at the current cursor position or into the current selection, if any.

Save Snippet

Save the current selection as a snippet into the database. Snippets will automatically suggest some tags for the snippet. Add more tags and/or change the existing ones as you see fit.

Manage Snippets

In the Snippets manager, you can import, export, and delete snippets from/to the database.

  • Import...: Import snippets from one or more .bts files.
  • Export...: Export the selected snippet(s) to .bts file(s). Note that when exporting multiple snippets, you cannot specify the output file names. File names will be chosen automatically instead.
  • Delete: Delete the selected snippet(s) from the database.

Key Bindings

You can set keyboard shortcuts for the Snippets dialogues by adding the following code to your config/config.scm:

(bind-keys! 'plugins '<KEY-SPEC> 'load-snippet)
(bind-keys! 'plugins '<KEY-SPEC> 'save-snippet)
(bind-keys! 'plugins '<KEY-SPEC> 'manage-snippets)


[procedure] (snippets::load ID)

Load a snippet from the database. ID must be the identifier string, as returned by snippets::save.

[procedure] (snippets::save NAME CONTENT TAGS)

Save a snippet to the database. NAME must be a string naming the snippet, CONTENT may be any Scheme object, and TAGS must be a string containing a comma-separated list of tag names. Returns an md5 identifier string that can be used to load back the snippet with snippets-load.

CONTENT is serialized for storage. Some objects may be too complex for the serializer. In this case, an exception is raised.

[procedure] (snippets::export ID FILENAME)

Exports the snippet with the md5 identifier ID to the file FILENAME.

[procedure] (snippets::import FILENAME)

Imports a snippet from the file FILENAME into the database.

.bts File Format

A .bts file, as produced by snippets::export, and read by snippets::import, has the following format:


VERSION is the snippet format version (currently 1). ID is an md5 hash string. It normally represents the md5 sum of the NAME, the string representation of the de-serialized CONTENTS, and the TAGS concatenated together. NAME is a string naming the snippet. CONTENTS is a string representing a serialized Scheme object. TAGS is a string containing one or more tag names, separated by commas.