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Key Bindings

This document describes the default keyboard shortcuts in Bintracker. All key bindings can be modified through Bintracker's configuration system. Plugins may register their own bindings, which are not listed here.


Key Function
Ctrl n New module...
Ctrl o Open module file...
Ctrl w Close module
Ctrl s Save module
Ctrl Shift s Save module as...
Ctrl q Quit Bintracker
Ctrl f Focus next buffer
Ctrl b Focus previous buffer
F1 Launch help in browser

Module Edit


Key Function
F5 Play from start
F7 Play pattern
F8 Stop playback


Key Function
Tab toggle focus between block view and order view
Ctrl Tab Go to next subgroup tab
Ctrl Shift Tab Go to previous subgroup tab


Key Function
Shift up/down/left/right Select contents
Ctrl a Select all of current blocks
Ctrl Shift a Select all blocks of current group

Copy, Paste, Insert, Cut

Key Function
Space Clear value under cursor (no shift)
Insert Insert step in current block column
Delete Cut current step from current block column (with shift)
Backspace Cut previous step from current block column (with shift)
Control Insert Insert row across block(s) (with shift)
Control Backsapce Cut row across block(s) (with shift)
Control + Increase order length
Control - Decrease order length
Ctrl c Copy selection (if any) or value under cursor
Ctrl x Clear selection (if any) or value under cursor (no shift)
Ctrl Shift x Cut selection (with shift)
Ctrl v Paste from clipboard (no shift, fills selection if any)
Ctrl Shift v Insert from clipboard (with shift, respects selection if any)
Ctrl p Porous paste under current data
Ctrl Shift p Porous paste over current data
Ctrl Alt v Swap selection with clipboard contents


Key Function
Ctrl u Transpose note up
Ctrl d Transpose note down
Ctrl Shift u Transpose octave up
Ctrl Shift d Transpose octave down
Ctrl Alt u Raise values by 1
Ctrl Alt d Lower values by 1
Ctrl Alt Shift u Raise values by logical unit (octave or 2^(bits/2))
Ctrl Alt Shift u Lower values by logical unit
Ctrl i Linear Interpolation
Ctrl Shift i Cosine Interpolation
Ctrl l Scale values
Ctrl t Invert values (min + max - x)
Ctrl ? Randomize selection
Ctrl r Reverse selection
Ctrl h Shuffle selection
Ctrl Shift h Shuffle selection (synchronized)

Note Entry

The main part of the keyboard functions like a two-row piano keyboard, as shown in the image below. Key 1 inserts a rest.

Notes on the lower half will use the current base octave, while the upper row will use the current base octave + 1. Holding Shift while entering a note will modify the note's octave. On the lower piano row, the base octave decreases by 1, on the upper row it increases by one.

In the following image, a number in the top right corner of a key represents the regular octave offset, and a number in the lower right corner represents the shifted octave offset.

image of keyboard layout


Key Function
. repeat last set value

Numeric columns accept any number that is valid for the given command, using the radix (number base) set in (settings 'number-base). Trigger commands accept any of the piano keys.


Bindings for the REPL are not finalized yet.

Key Function
Return Evaluate command
Ctrl l Clear REPL
Alt p Get previous command from history
Alt n Get next command from history

There are a number of bindings that are not yet configurable. These are mostly standard shortcuts used by any modern text editor, ie. Shift + arrow keys selects, Ctrl-C/Ctrl-X/Ctrl-V copies/cuts/pastes, and so on.

Screen Reader

These bindings assume you have a screen reader enabled in config.scm.

Key Function
Alt w Report value under cursor (what?)
Alt Shift w Report location of cursor (where?)